PICaboo manuscript accepted by JPhys:Photonics

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The manuscript entitled “The concept of PICaboo: From individual building blocks to complex photonic integrated circuits for future access and metro networks” which is written by the PICaboo consortium has been accepted by the JPhys:Photonics of the IOPscience.

The immense growth of data traffic that traverses modern networks, calls for immediate solutions to tackle the challenges that arise in terms of speed, capacity, cost and energy efficiency. The manuscript outlines the key technological aspects of the PICaboo project, that aims to develop novel building blocks and Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) for the next generation of optical metro and access networks enhanced with optical signal processing functionalities exploiting the generic foundry model approach.

The authors are: Giannis KanakisMaria SpyropoulouGiorgos BrestasWeiming YaoJ J G M van der TolAlessio MirandaKolsoom MehrabiDhiman NagChristophe CaillaudVladyslav VakarinJordi Soler PenadesIñigo ArtundoRene BonkRobert BorkowskiDespoina PetousiPablo Castro AyalaMichael Eiselt and Hercules Avramopoulos.

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