In order to achieve the objectives of PICaboo, the work-plan follows a step wise approach, organized and split into the following work packages (WPs):

WP1 is responsible for the coordination and the overall management of the project and for the establishment of communication links between the partners and the EU. It steers all technical activities within WP2-WP6 by monitoring the progress of the scientific outcomes and the accomplishment of the project milestones and related deliverables and performs risk analysis
activating contingency plans when needed. Finally, it guides WP7 via the innovation management activities.

WP2 provides a horizontal framework linking all the subsequent technical WPs. WP2 defines the application use cases for the PIC demonstrators and derives the specifications for all project building blocks, sub-circuits and PICs. In addition, WP2 develops the compact building block models and integrates them into the PDK-compatible libraries for the two fabs. Finally, WP2 performs system-level simulations for the transmitter and receiver sub-circuits and PIC
demonstrators including the investigation of reference design PICs for additional application areas.

WP3 addresses the development of novel building blocks on the InP generic platform of III-V Lab namely, the MMIs, the optical ring filters, the high-speed EAMs and the DFB lasers that operate in the O-band.

WP4 focuses on the development of the novel building blocks on the InP generic platform of TUe and more specifically, the polarization rotator, the PBS, the low-linewidth tunable laser operating in the C-band, the balanced photodetectors and photodetector arrays.

WP5 is dedicated to the development of the project’s application specific photonic circuits and PIC demonstrators with on-chip advanced all-optical functionalities and their packaging into appropriate evaluation boards with
appropriate optical and electrical interfaces.

WP6 undertakes the development of the control electronics for the packaged PIC demonstrators, their system integration and their system-level performance validation under laboratory and realistic conditions.

WP7 is industry-led and focuses on the dissemination and exploitation activities, tackling also IPR and standardization aspects.